Train Station

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Turn your gym wall or bleacher area into a self-contained training area.

The Train Station is a versatile training tool that can be easily attached or removed from a gym wall mount or bleacher clip. This training tool allows the teacher/coach to teach and train students in functional movement patterns. Fitness can be incorporated into any unit, allowing students to exercise while waiting for their rotation. The exercises are unlimited, and there is no peer pressure because the stronger kids just step out a little further from the wall to get a safe effective workout. The Wall Mount Train Station, Snap-on Wall Mount Train Station, and Door Mount Train Station are complete with handles, belt and cuff.

Peak Resistance

R3 30 lbs
R4 40 lbs
R5 50 lbs
R6 60 lbs

Versatile, portable, and adjustable band system.

  • Attaches or removes in seconds from wall mounted brackets
  • Portable – supports training both inside and outside
  • Training on your feet “Functional Movements”
  • Train pushing – pulling – rotating – legs – core and other exercises
  • Varying resistance levels to challenge all students

Best when used for:

  • Total body exercises
  • Pushing
  • Pulling
  • Rotating
  • Legs
  • Core

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