Jungle Gym – Downloadable Circuit Cards
JG1 $13.00
Contact to PurchaseJungle Gym Task Cards. (Set of 25 cards)
Cards included in this set:
- Push-Up (MT)
- Body Row (ST,BB,MT)
- Steering Wheel (MT)
- Parallel Stance Squat (BB) w/ Press
- Single Leg Squat (BB)
- Parallel Stance Jumps (BB)
- Forward Lean & (MT) One Arm Reach
- Assisted Pull-Up (BC)
- Hip Sway (BB)
- Lateral Squat (BB)
- Alt. Lateral Lunge (BB)
- Lateral Bound (BB)
- Wax On, Wax Off (MT)
- Reverse Fly (BB)
- Twist Up (BB)
- Non-Alt. Backward (BB) Lunge
- Alt. Backward Lunge (BB)
- Split Stance Jumps (BB)
Handle positions:
MT: Mid-thigh
ST: Sternum
BB: Belly button